At this point, you may have a profitable home business on your hands. The next logical step is to grow and expand into new markets, or perhaps to create new product lines. Unfortunately, most home business owners are already short on space and have their business invading rooms once reserved for personal use only.

1. Outsource

A home office typically needs, at the very least, a lot of administration. Phones, a computer desk, filing cabinets – it all adds up and leaves your home looking messy and frazzled. Instead, you could outsource your administrative needs, like bookkeeping or invoicing, to a third party company. This lets you concentrate on actually working while letting professionals handling the busy work.

2. Plan For Growth

A growing business is a healthy business. Even if you aren’t making any profit, you are still opening up new markets and therefore more opportunities for you to do greater amounts of business. As you grow, you can afford to price your products lower knowing that you will be doing a greater number of transactions than your direct competition. In essence, you will be making less money per unit but selling far more units total for a greater profit overall.

3. Grow Steadily

Growing at too fast a pace is dangerous because you need to keep your different locations running with some level of control. For example, fast food chains succeed because they are able to deliver reliably prepared food. Consumers know that a big mac purchased in New York will be identical to a Big Mac purchased in China. Not only that, but if your business grows too quickly it will not have the professionals needed to manage it all.

4. Franchising

Instead of expanding on your own, franchising offers other entrepreneurs to let others open a store using your products and a tried and tested methodology. Of course, these people will keep a cut of the profits, but it’s a great way to expand without having to put out as much of your own money up front. Standardizing your services is one way of helping to cut costs – for example, fast food chains often have all hamburgers they create use one mass-produced hamburger patty. When you order a larger burger they simply stack more than one patty on top of one another instead of using a single, larger patty.